Wall removal–now a top bar hive on roof

From the photographs you can see that I moved the top bar hive used in the wall removal up to the roof of the Agriculture Building #1. If you click on a picture, you can see a larger picture with more detail.

Bee activity is good, with foragers bringing in pollen and I assume nectar too. I checked inside the hive and they have not started building any comb suspended from the top bars yet. It is too early for them to have raised a new queen yet too (if that was even possible). It will take a few weeks to figure out whether or not they have been successful in actually establishing a new viable colony with a fertile queen. So far, though, all signs are positive and indicate to my mind that the probability of success is high. As soon as I know for sure I will be posting the news here (positive or negative). The last photo is of a simple solar wax melter made with a styrofoam box, a plate of glass, a pot and screen to hold paper and material to be melted and filtered through the paper onto distilled water in the pot.

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