More stings

Today was my “biggest day” so far. Last week I took a sting on Wednesday and a sting on Saturday, and this week I took a sting on Monday (two days ago) and today I took 3 stings. Today’s stings were in the back of my left hand, in my upper forearm above the elbow region, and in my left shoulder. I also gave a “free apitherapy treatment” to a friend of mine who is suffering from gout. He got his sting in the main knuckle of his hand at the base of the index finger. Apparently gout is more painful than a bee sting. I asked him to let me know how he feels and what the result is later.

So far, the stings I took for myself that were in locations where I had already been stung have not had much of a reaction compared to the results of the initial stings. My arm and hand are “sore” where I was stung today but not particularly swollen, and there is not really any real pain (except for a little in the shoulder). This somewhat confirms my hypothesis that the areas of the body which build up an immunity to stings are the local areas where the stings are administered, and a more severe reaction will take place in an area which has not yet been stung. Next I plan to take stings in my right arm and hand and see if this hypothesis still holds true.

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